This past Friday was not just any Friday, but Friday the 13th, which would not have been a problem because 13 is my lucky number but for some reason this Friday the 13th was out to get me! I overslept, not sure if I just didn’t set an alarm or turned it off but I overslept by A LOT! Arrived at my day job 2.5 hours late, after traveling back roads because there was an accident on 66, so thankful that my boss is understanding. As the clock neared time for me to head west towards town I began to get nervous because I was going to meet the senior model applicants who were interested in the FFP Experience, nail biter! I ALWAYS get nervous and anxious before meeting a new senior but I had 6 seniors to meet and their MOMS!
The meeting went well, all of the girls came excited and ready to model. The parents came with questions which is always wonderful because I strive to ensure that what I say makes sense to others. All 6 girls are absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to get them behind the camera. We are going to have such a great year with so many surprises and fun activities. Here are a few photos from our social at Sweet Frog in Front Royal who were super accommodating with allowing us to use their space and having delicious frozen yogurt, which never hurts! Please excuse the Iphone quality photos. There are more I will add later today but my internet was acting up.